Month: July 2023

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#1 SUMMER HOLIDAY CHAOS: Mastering Nutrition and Intuitive Eating During the Summer Holidays

Six. Weeks. Kids are in full silly mode, teachers are throwing a party (or having a long lie down for the foreseeable) and you’re now looking on in horror as you realise not only do you have to juggle life, work and training, but you need to do all this AND sort childcare or entertain …

#1 SUMMER HOLIDAY CHAOS: Mastering Nutrition and Intuitive Eating During the Summer Holidays Read More »

Is it diet that powers weight loss, or is it something else first…?

Whats the first thing you think of when it comes to losing weight? Counting calories, tracking macronutrients, following strict workout regimens? While these are tools in your armoury, they often don’t work in isolation for so many people. Why? Because how you LIVE and THINK lays the foundation for EVERYTHING else. I work with clients …

Is it diet that powers weight loss, or is it something else first…? Read More »

What does working with a nutrition and performance coach actually look like??

A lot of people aren’t sure about what working with a nutrition and performance coach like me actually looks like. What do we do? How does it work? More importantly, what will it achieve?? I am nutrition and performance coach helping busy people find strategies to improve their productivity, energy levels, calmness and confidence. When …

What does working with a nutrition and performance coach actually look like?? Read More »

Envisioning a Health Utopia: The Intersection of Dentistry, Nutrition, and Intuitive Eating

When someone posed the question “What would the healthcare system look like in a utopian world where money and resources are irrelevant?” I didn’t need much time to formulate my answer. Why? Because I’m already fighting for it. I’m already living it in my clinical life. PREVENTION. Emphasis on individual-centred advice, not just cookie cutter …

Envisioning a Health Utopia: The Intersection of Dentistry, Nutrition, and Intuitive Eating Read More »

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